May 5, 2017 · Categories: News

Well, we’ve got a wet one out there.  We have had significant amount of rainfall already and more is expected.  Be mindful if you’ve put your boat in already that you’ll want to bail out on a regular basis.  Our water is currently about 4 inches over regular summer levels and is rising.  Docks are in danger of damage and items stored on docks may float away.  The logs are out of the dams and with the water levels so high, be on the look out for debris on the lake and increased currents near the narrows and dams.  There are also reports of large logs and branches floating in the lake from the Severn River.

In addition to the rain, strong winds and high water levels could cause shoreline damage or damage to boathouse structures.

Finally, as if that weren’t enough to be on the watch for several notices and warnings have been issued for Cottage Country:

Flood Watches and Warnings 

The Surface Water Monitoring Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry have issued flood watches and warnings across cottage country.

To access up-to-date information, please visit the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program.

Township of Georgian Bay – SML Dam

From the Township:

“The Trent Severn has notified the Township that they intend to open up the dam at Six Mile Lake this afternoon to alleviate some of the pressure from all the rain fall received and anticipated.

We understand that this happened a few years ago and either washed out or significantly damaged White Falls Road, reports are conflicting.

To prepare for any issues created by this staff have:

·        Notified emergency services

·        Notified the District

·        Organized barricades if required

·        Organized road closure notices if required

We will keep Council apprised as the situation progresses and keep our residents informed through our normal social media channels.”